Friday, October 30, 2015

33 39 44 85 104 119 911 | The 1985 Blackout, November 9, NYC & Much of the Northeast

313 is the scary slide in the Zapruder Film.
First, what stands out about the date November 9, or 11/9 or 9/11?

The = 2+8+5 = 15
Great = 7+9+5+1+2 = 24
Northeast = 5+6+9+2+8+5+1+1+2 = 39
Blackout = 2+3+1+3+2+6+3+2 = 22
Great Northeast Blackout = 85/94
The Great Northeast Blackout = 100/109
Blackout = 2+12+1+3+11+15+21+20 = 85

11/9/1965 = 11+9+19+65 = 104 (One World Trade Center is 104-Floors Tall)
11/9/1965 = 11+9+(1+9+6+5) = 41
11/9/1965 = 1+1+9+1+9+6+5 = 32
11/9/65 = 11+9+65 = 85 (Great Northeast Blackout = 85)

Notice from the surge at 5:16 (17:16) in Ontario, it took 11 minutes to have New York blacked out, the 11th State, by 5:27 (17:27).

5+16 = 21
17+16 = 33

5+27 = 32
17+27 = 44

The next major blackout would happen 47-years later.

August 14 is the day that leaves 139-days left in the year.  It is the 226th day and in leap years, the 227th.

Freemasonry = 6+18+5+5+13+1+19+15+14+18+25 = 139

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