Monday, May 15, 2017

42 58 104 115 155 213 221 | May 15, 2017, Donald Trump shared classified info with the Russian, according to Washington Post +58, 115 and 155 relationship

"You skirts know what's up with 213."

Let's take a moment to decode classified and classified info.

Freemason = 42; Russia = 42

Think about it, we're a nation ruled over by a secret society, Freemasonry.

104... 10-4. message received.  7/4/1776 = 7+4+17+76 = 104

Washington = 130

The Bavarian Illuminati = 221

Other top headlines:

Today, May 15, 2017, comes 115-days since Inauguration Day, the 58th Presidential Inauguration in U.S. History, with 58-year-old Steve Ray leading the ceremonies.

1/20/2017 = 1+20+20+17 = 58

Notice how '115' and '58' go together.  Remember, Trump took office with the 115th Congress.

Freemasonry = 58; Secret Society = 58; Rosicrucian = 58; Rose Cross = 58

58-year-old Steve Ray...

Trump's "Thank You" tour...

The whole thing is a joke, even today's headlines.  Don't get caught up.

FURTHER, notice how today, May 15, or 15/5 connects.

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